Estudio Jurídico Sánchez Calero:
40 years offering guidance and legal solutions

Estudio Jurídico Sánchez Calero:
40 years offering guidance and legal solutions

ESTUDIO JURÍDICO SÁNCHEZ CALERO was founded in 1983, on the path of other prestigious Commercial Law firms. Its members are specialized lawyers that perform advice and counsel of clients, both on extrajudicial fields and at judicial or arbitration proceedings. All members of the firm share essential conduct principles that can be summarized in the deep study of cases and search of the best solutions for each client
Most members are also teaching at University, as Chaired, Tenured or Associate Professors, combining their professional activities with lecturing and researching projects.

Nuestras áreas de especialización
El Despacho está especializado en Derecho privado, en especial en Derecho mercantil. Dentro de estas ramas, la experiencia profesional de los Abogados que integran el ESTUDIO alcanza principalmente a las siguientes materias: